Significant Changes to U.S. Refugee Resettlement

On January 27, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program was paused for 90 days. Just weeks later, on February 26, all federally funded resettlement agency contracts were terminated, effectively ending the refugee resettlement program that has existed since 1980. 

In addition to these actions, federal grant reimbursements for refugee programs have been frozen since January, forcing agencies to operate without funding. Many have had to lay off up to 90% of their staff, leaving refugees without critical support. 


The Impact on Refugees

Here in the Triangle, hundreds of newly arrived refugees are now without caseworkers to help them find jobs, secure housing, or access essential services. Resettlement agencies do not only provide services to newly arrived refugee families, but offer some case management support to families for up to 5 years. For example, a large caseload of families with complex medical needs is now struggling to obtain necessary care due to program cuts.

These cuts have not only eliminated case management but have also reduced assistance with job placement and housing, school enrollment support, trauma counseling, and healthcare access. The result? Refugees are left without the resources necessary to rebuild their lives.

Refugees contribute significantly to our communities and economy. Ensuring their success is not only the right thing to do but also strengthens the city we all share.


The Impact at RHP

At Refugee Hope Partners, we are facing the greatest challenge in our organization’s history. While government support has halted, the number of refugees in the Triangle has not changed. Thousands remain in need of services that help them build stable, self-sufficient lives. These are families who have fled war and persecution, completed an extensive vetting process, were invited and arrived in the U.S. expecting safety—only to find themselves without essential support.

For years, Refugee Hope Partners has worked closely alongside these resettlement agencies, and together, we have been able to provide complementary services to meet the full spectrum of needs for refugee families. RHP’s services have been built around the core services the resettlement agencies have provided. Now with these core services disappearing, RHP must fill in these wide gaps like never before. 


Our Response

Refugee Hope Partners is the only Christian, privately-funded organization providing holistic refugee care in the Triangle. We have successfully stepped in to fill critical gaps before and desire to do so again, but we must prioritize wisely to ensure we are meeting the increased needs of families with dignity.

To do this, we anticipate expanding our current services to a broader scope of families and providing new and increased services specifically in three critical areas: 

  • Housing security
  • Employment support
  • High-need medical and mental health coordination

With an established infrastructure, proven model of service, a network of 42 church partners, strong community partners, and hundreds of volunteers, we are uniquely positioned to deepen our impact in these areas—if we have the necessary resources. Expanding our reach requires financial investment, and continued support is critical to sustaining this work.

We remain committed to serving our refugee neighbors, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to lead thriving lives.


What Can You Do? 

Now, more than ever, we are calling on our greater community and the local Church to join us in standing with our refugee neighbors. With resettlement agencies forced to make deep staffing and program cuts, many of these families now have nowhere else to turn. 

We cannot meet these needs alone. The people of God have always been called to care for the vulnerable—to welcome the stranger, feed the hungry, and walk alongside the weary. This is not just a crisis on the other side of the world; this is in our own backyard.

We need your financial support to sustain and expand our work. Your giving directly funds crucial staffing and resources to help refugee families in our community navigate the loss of essential programs and services.

Raising private funds to meet our budget is a significant challenge—we work year-round to meet this goal just to sustain our existing programs. The prospect of increasing this amount to fill the growing gaps in refugee support is daunting, but the need is real and urgent. Despite the challenges, we are stepping forward in faith, trusting that God loves the refugee and will provide. While the need is great, we believe He will make a way to sustain and expand this work.

Now is the time to act.

Give generously.

Advocate boldly.

Serve faithfully.

Pray without Ceasing.

Our refugee neighbors need us—let’s show them they are not alone.

As we navigate this uncertain future, we exhort you to join us in ensuring that every refugee who calls our community home finds the support, stability, and hope they deserve as image bearers of God.


To our Refugee Neighbors 

You are not alone. We see you, we care for you, and you are deeply valued. You are not a burden—you belong here. You have followed the extensive process to resettle in our country legally and you deserve safety and stability. We are standing with you, advocating for you, and working to ensure you have the support and resources you need. You are wanted, you are loved, and you are not forgotten.