Instilling Confidence in the Pursuit of Higher Education

Did you know only 7% of refugees have access to higher education opportunities.

Through Refugee Hope Partners’ Bridge program, 92 refugee students and mentors are currently paired together to form a plan for life after high school graduation!

Through Refugee Hope Partners' Bridge mentorship program, high school junior Zoe* has been mentored by Emily for several months. Despite juggling after-school work and caring for an ill family member, Zoe excels in her challenging classes and dreams of attending college after graduation. After Zoe expressed interest in majoring in business during a mentorship meeting, Emily leveraged her network and arranged for Zoe to meet with current students and staff from NC State University's Poole College of Management.

Over breakfast, they shared insights into college admissions, choosing majors, and applying for scholarships. Zoe was inspired by the possibilities and extracurricular offerings. Meeting women who had overcome similar obstacles as her, Zoe glimpsed a promising future, instilling newfound confidence in her pursuit of higher education.

The Bridge Program empowers young adult refugees like Zoe to achieve their academic and career dreams, especially during challenging transitions like high school graduation. While it's a joyous occasion for many, it can also be daunting as students face uncertainty about their next steps. We aim to support them through this pivotal time by providing tools and guidance for a bright future through one-on-one mentorships, college tours, application assistance, and more.


Zoe* and a few fellow RHP bridge students with their tour guide on a tour at NC State University during the 2023-2024 school year.


Interested in learning more about the Bridge Program and how you might be able to get involved? Email Anna Christian Allen at